Teachers can continue to access the Big Ideas Math online resources without an active class, but class assignments and detailed reports can only be accessed if the class is in an active, non-expired state. Students must be in an active and non-expired class with a book assigned to access the full platform. An active class has an end date that is not in the past.
Self-Registration Users
Once a class has expired, teachers can extend the end date of the class by modifying it in their Active tab, or Archive the class. You can Archive a class by going to Class Management, selecting the check box next to the class, and clicking the Archive button. Archived classes allow teachers to see and download data from expired classes, but they will no longer appear for students
Single Sign-On Users (Canvas, Clever, ClassLink, Schoology)
Once classes have ended, and teachers and students no longer need to access the class assignments, we recommend that the district stops sharing those classes with the Big Ideas Math application. This will Archive those classes. Archived classes still allow teachers to see and download data from expired classes, but they will no longer appear for students.
If teachers and students need additional time to complete assignments, view full detailed reports, or access resources from an expired/archived class, we recommend the district adjust that end date in the data shared to match how long you need it. If that is not possible, teachers can extend the end date of their classes on the Class Management page on their own.
- If the class is still shared by the district but expired, it will appear as greyed out in the Active tab. Teachers can open that class to temporarily modify the end date, but it will revert when your district resyncs the next day to match what they've set it as.
- If the class is no longer shared by the district, it will move to the Archived tab. From there, teachers can check mark the class and click the "Extend End Date" button to make that class active again for 7 days, then it will be archived again. You can repeat this if needed longer than 7 days or adjust the end date from your Active tab.